Fable: The Plane Tree
Virtue: Grateful
Habit/Motto: Be grateful for what you have. Focus on the positive; don't cry for what you lack.
Song/Finger Play:
We're Climbing up a Tree
Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree
Squirrel, Squirrel (if you do squirrel as one of the travellers in story)
Yoga Pose: Tree
Craft/Activity: choose depending on age--listed easy to complex
A) Hand trees with thumbprint leaves
B) Finger paint the scene
C) Build a bigger tree with tissue paper
D) Do a maze to find their way home, like the mouse
Share: Retell the story using their art or have them choose another animal to tell the story of...and tell what that animal could be grateful to the tree for.
Nuts and berries (or a trailmix)
Letter: T
Words: Tree, Thank You, Tall, Travel, The
Number: Three (why: animals in story, same start letter)
Shape: tall rectangle or cylinder (tall tree)
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