Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fable Day: The Fox & the Stork

Virtue: Charity & Love (kindness, sharing, helping, consideration, unity)
Habit/Motto: Do unto others as you would have others do to you

Song/Finger Play: 
When We're Helping We're Happy
Where is Thumbkin
5 Little ______ to Give
5 & 5 Make Ten

Yoga Pose: Table (eat on), Chair, triangle, telephone (call friend over to eat)

Craft/Activity: choose depending on age--listed easy to complex
A) Put everyone's handprints on one big poster with the golden rule/"Helping Hands."
B) Choose partners and make cards for each other (so everyone gets one)
C) Weaving/Braiding a friendship bracelet (working together/weaving makes a stronger rope)

Share: Have the children make something for another person, and exchange them (like friendship bracelets or cards) or have each child write tell one thing they can share with someone.

One things they can split to share with each other: sliced apples? or 
Various snacks, so they can each share different things with each other and enjoy the variety sharing brings

Letter: H
Words: hand, help, hello, hi
Number: 2 (working together) or 5, 10 (all fingers on helping hands)
Shape: triangle (for stork's beak)

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