Friday, May 1, 2015

Drawing Vowels: through Song Stories

When I was teaching Ethan I realized that I best understand how to draw letters by placing them within a window type framework. And that made me think of a song: Popcorn popping. So...I combined to two to make teaching Ethan his vowels a fun story and song experience. It has helped him learn to write his vowels very easily, and he sings the songs all the time. I have only focused on the vowels.

Basic song to the Popcorn Popping tune:
I looked out the window and what did I see...?
I saw the letter              looking at me. 
(Substitute for whichever letter you are singing about and then add the following to describe)

Letter A
Go up middle mountain and come back down.
Then take little trip across the town.

Letter E
Go left across the top and then go down.
Travel to the right, then cross the town.

Letter I
Go down the middle, like the number one.
Add a roof and a floor and then you're done.

Letter O
Start at the right top corner; go left, then down.
Then head right until you're all around.

Letter U
Draw a wall down the left and then a floor.
Draw up another wall. And then no more.