Monday, September 7, 2015

Verse: Grammar

(Nouns and Verbs For Class 2 or 3 Grammar)
Of all the things I can know and love, 
Like the earth below and the sky above, 
The wind in the trees 
And the waves of the sea: 
All these the noun will name for me. 
The dolphin, the whale and fishes bright,
The lark at dawn, and the owl of the night,
The fox in his den,
And the buck that springs:
The naming noun will name these things. 
Of all the things that as deeds are done,
I can leap or linger, romp and run,
I can weep salt tears,
And chuckle with glee:
And these the doing verbs decree. 
I live, I learn, I wish for, I work,
But if a good deed I would lazily shirk,
Then a charm I can say
The good to fulfill:
I can,
I should,
I want to,
I will!

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