Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Fable Day: Christmas

Virtue: Be Kind
Habit/Motto:  Win-Win
Verse: Tis Better to Give than to recieve (Acts 20:35)

Story is based on Story of St. Nick (instead of Aesop fable)

Song/Finger Play: 
When We're Helping, We're Happy
Any Christmas Song!!

Yoga Pose: tree, star, candle, dancer?
(movement ideas for made up story: snow angel, skating, etc. )

Craft/Activity: choose depending on age--listed easy to complex
A) Play pass the bag game (sit in circle, when music stops take a candy out, or give everyone a candy, etc.)
B) write little notes to each other to put in their bags
C) origami stars
D) salt dough ornaments
E) stocking guessing game (put something in a bag: children one by one put hand in and guess what's inside)
F) Make a shoe and put things in them (like the shoe tradition)

Everyone have their own bags-- to put things in from the day and to collect things from others

bags of goodies (each different then they can all share some with each other)

Letter: C
Words: Christmas, Cold, care, coin
Number: any
Shape: triangle (tree or star of david)
Season: Winter

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