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love this cute little graphic I'm borrowing from the website shown in the graphic. |
Exploring and nourishing greatness--from within and without. (My blog of random thoughts for a collaborative preschool based on whole learning from nature, animals, our bodies and good character attributes from great stories)
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Yoga Sequence: Sun Salutation
We like to do this sequence and tell a story. I normally just wing it about saying hi to the sun and then smelling the grass and then looking up at an animal passing by and getting up to watch a bird fly back up in the air. Something simple but helps the poses feel like they flow together.
Yoga Sequence: Halloween
I like to tell a Halloween story like the following, but you could really use any poses and make up your own. This one is very cheesy, but the rhyme keeps it flowing a little....you don't even need it to rhyme to get the story across.
(poses in brackets)
[MOUSE]: There was a sleeping cat who awoke from his nap,
[CHILD]: The cat stretched it's paws in front
[DOG]: and then his bum in back
[CAT-legs out]: Then one by one he stretched his legs until he saw a sight...
[CAT-back arch]: something orange out in front gave him quite a fright. [ "Meroooow! Hiss!"]
[GATE]: For over by the garden gate upon the garden wall,.
[ZERO]: the cat saw a pumpkin that looked just like a ball!
[BUTTERFLY]: and as the wind blew...the pumpkin started to sway.
[ROLY POLY]: It fell off the wall and then it rolled away.
[stomp/hop around]: A boy found it when it came to a stop, and he jumped upon it with a Hop, Hop, Hop.
[mix with hands]: He mashed it into pumpkin smoosh--mixed in a bowl where he stood.
[PEACOCK]: And made himself some pumpkin pie. And boy was it so good!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Intro to Music: Classical, Instruments, Opera
I have a very basic/surface level understanding of music, but I appreciate the Waldorf education method of introducing music. So I've included a few thoughts about that, as well as some thoughts about classical music and such.
1. Let kids explore sounds and rhythms
Childhood is a time for exploration and expression without conformity which stifles creativity and imagination if begun too early. Kids should explore with things they are surrounded with and with their bodies. It's a great idea to help kids find song/sound everywhere and learn to express themselves sufficiently (via imitation and extemporaneous creation using their voice, pots and pans, dancing, etc.).
2. Introduce the Pentatonic Scale
I don't know a lot of music theory, but I understand that the pentatonic scale is a scale which has only 5 of seven notes of a scale (2,3,5,6,7--ex: c major would be D,E,G,A,B). All notes in this scale sound nice together and there is no disharmony...so its ideal for children who know no music rules yet. Typical instruments you can find in a pentatonic scale--if you look hard--are recorders, harps and xylophones.
This is easy on a my harp because the C and F strings are usually colored. So I can sit and play my harp's white strings and everything sounds nice. I love just sitting at it and making up songs without stopping. I feel so empowered to make good music. If you really want your children to learn to fully express themselves, they should start there to feel enthusiasm and empowerment. Then when they are ready for the logical stage and delving into rules and details they can start the deeper theory and the next stage instruments like violin, flute and piano.
3. Intro to Classical Music/Instruments
Also, surround children with good music. Here are a few ways to get classical music into any kids life by more fully integrating the experience beyond just passive listening and to accustom them with listening for instruments, visualizing what is happening, and imitation.
a) Can You Hear It? Intro to Classical Music/Instruments via art (and dancing if you'd like)
This book has a beginning intro to the basic types of instruments (string, woodwind, brass and percussion). Then each page shows a painting which correlates with a track on the CD that come with it, and also a question/tip to point out what instrument is theme. I like that it is just one main thing to point out and the music clip is normally just a minute or two.
Ex: Flight of the Bumble bees--so we do the bee yoga pose and then take flight around the room collecting pollen and taking bake to the hive.
I frequently use this near the end of the day when kids are winding down, but still have to get out some energy. It's super good for getting them use to art, classical music, types of instruments and dancing/moving via imagination.
b) Peter & the Wolf: Intro to Music/Instruments via a Story (with pictures if you use the book)
This is a great Sunday afternoon type family listen/read. Probably 30 minutes or less. This story has a different instrument/theme for each character and the narrator reads the book between the short musical pieces.
I like the book to go along with the music, because I'm visual....and that also helps 3 year olds who otherwise might not pay as much attention, but it isn't needed. We recommend the Patrick Stewart version because we think he's great. But this version does the trick.
I've been doing this a few times, but I hope it will become a regular family favorite that we can narrate and act out without the book and narrator, once the kids are older. Good for a talent show or family reunion idea too I imagine.
c) The Worlds Very Best Opera: Intro to Opera
(these are in English, so it's more understandable, and therefore more meaningful)
This was good for me, since I pretty much know none except Nessun Dorma and Figaro.
But...after I heard the words to Figaro, I thought, "oh, that's what's going on!" And now I really enjoy that song! Can't swear the kids will love all of it, but at least they will like Figaro and can understand some of the others.
I will post more intro things as I try them, but these seem a good foundation. The other thing I do it just when we listen to classical music in the car or on sundays, I imitate the musical instrument I hear and I point it out to Ethan. He enjoys laughing at me try to play the violin and piano in the car while driving and it has become such a habit that I forget sometimes. And I like doing it, because I never played in an orchestra or symphony except my sixth grade percussion experience, so I never learned to recognize instruments until just recently. So I think I'm reliving childhood years in a more adult season. And I find it empowering to be able identify the instruments and create and find meaning in what I listen to and feel.
Music should be about exploring and creating both feeling and meaning...not memorizing and reproducing only. If children only learned basic principles for basic instruments, then we'd never explore new instruments and sounds. And what experiences exploring the unknown can bring for us all!
Fable Day: The Fox & the Grapes
Virtue: Be Humble (or Be Wise/Be Positive)
Habit/Motto: Synergize (Problem-solving: ask for help--two heads are better than one--teamwork)
Habit/Motto: Synergize (Problem-solving: ask for help--two heads are better than one--teamwork)
Song/Finger Play:
1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little ___________ (grapes)
1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little ___________ (grapes)
Here Comes the Fox
Yoga Pose: Yoga (Y letter emphasized), Zero (0 number emphasized), Tree (where grapes were) Other animals that helped the fox get the grapes
Craft/Activity: choose depending on age--listed easy to complex
A) make grape/toothpick towers to eat
B) make art using fox animal tracks, or try to create animal tracks (kids native wildlife track guide is helpful)
C) Scavenger hunt outdoors (looking for tracks in a forest/park area)
C) Scavenger hunt outdoors (looking for tracks in a forest/park area)
grapes! (shared in one bowl--to emphasize teamwork)
grape jelly and PB sandwiches
Letter: Y (yoga, yes/you-can do it, yipee, yell) G (grapes, get, go-and ask, grab)
Number: any
Shape: circle (grapes), triangle (bunch of grapes)
Season: summer, autumn harvest
*focus on thumbs up for "positive" focus (which can look like a turtle with the other hand as a shell over it)
Here Comes the Fox
Here comes the fox, (hold up one hand like the shadow puppet fox/coyote)
His mouth is open wide. (wiggle fox and move it closer to rabbits)
What can we do? (wiggle other hand with rabbit ears)
Quick, let’s all hide. (put rabbit fingers behind back)
Now, where’s the fox? (wiggle fox fingers)
He’s gone far away. (hide fox fingers behind back)
Let’s all hop out, (bring back rabbit fingers)
Now we all can play. (wiggle rabbit fingers)
Aesops Fable: The Fox & the Grapes
The Fox & the Grapes
A Fox one day spied a beautiful bunch of ripe grapes hanging from a vine trained along the branches of a tree. The grapes seemed ready to burst with juice, and the Fox's mouth watered as he gazed longingly at them.
The bunch hung from a high branch, and the Fox had to jump for it. The first time he jumped he missed it by a long way. So he walked off a short distance and took a running leap at it, only to fall short once more. Again and again he tried, but in vain.
Now he sat down and looked at the grapes in disgust.
"What a fool I am," he said. "Here I am wearing myself out to get a bunch of sour grapes that are not worth gaping for."
And off he walked very, very scornfully.
There are many who pretend to despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach.
Story Ideas:
- We used this as a lesson for not giving up, but trying to solve the problem. We've emphasized being positive and hopeful, as well as asking for help when they can't do something themselves.
Aesops Fables,
Be Humble,
Be Positive,
Be Wise
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
(can do in a large circle for thunderstorm sound that moves like a wave around the circle)
When rain starts falling, it comes down softly and slowly . . .
The rain is falling down (rub hands together)
Splash! ("pshhhh" noise with mouth)
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter (snap fingers)
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter (louder: alternately pat knees)
Thunder Crash! (Clap hands loudly)
Thunder! Thunder! (Stamp feet fast)
(The thunder begins to stop and do everything in reverse order slowly getting more quiet)
This is my turtle (make fist, extend thumb)
It lives in a shell (cover fist with other hand)
It likes it's home very well (nod head)
IT pokes it's head out when it wants to eat (poke thumb out)
And pulls it back in when it wants to sleep. (hide thumb)
IT pokes it's head out when it wants to eat (poke thumb out)
And pulls it back in when it wants to sleep. (hide thumb)
Baby Shark
(make hand movements consecutively getting larger)
Baby shark ch,ch, ch, ch, ch (use thumb and pointer like a beak)
Baby shark ch,ch, ch, ch, ch
Mommy shark ch, ch, ch, ch, ch (use two hands like a fish)
Mommy shark ch, ch, ch, ch, ch
Daddy shark ch, ch, ch, ch, ch (use two arms, like alligator)
Daddy shark ch, ch, ch, ch, ch
Grandma shark ch, ch, ch, ch, ch (two hands with fist made..like no teeth)
Grandma shark ch, ch, ch, ch, ch
Grandpa shark ch, ch, ch, ch, ch (two arms with fist made..like no teeth)
Grandpa shark ch, ch, ch, ch, ch
Sharks are coming ch, ch, ch, ch, ch (one hand up, one hand sideways to make fish with fin)
Sharks are coming ch, ch, ch, ch, ch
Boa Constrictor
(no tune needed)
There is a boa constrictor and here he comes,
There is a boa constrictor and here he comes,
Oh, no! He's got my toe.
Oh, gee! He’s got my knee.
Oh, my! He’s got my thigh
Oh, fiddle! He’s got my middle.
Oh, darn! He’s got my arm.
Oh, heck! He’s got my neck.
Oh, dread! He’s got my head. (gulp)
Here is a Bunny
( no tune needed)
Here is a bunny with ears so funny. (Right fist with two fingers raised)
Here is a bunny with ears so funny. (Right fist with two fingers raised)
And here is a hole so round. (Cup left hand)
When a noise he hears, he pricks up his ears.
And he jumps in his home in the ground. (Right two fingers jump into cupped left hand)
I am Growing
(Tune: Frere Jacques)
I am growing,
I am growing,
I am growing.
Yes I am. Yes I am.
One time I was smaller,
No I am much taller.
Watch me grow. Watch me grow.
Open, Shut Them
(Tune: Frere Jacques)
Open, shut them,
Open, shut them,
Open, shut them,
Give a little clap, clap, clap.
Open, shut them,
Open, shut them,
Lay them in your lap.
Where is Thumbkin
(Tune: Frere Jacques)
Where is thumb-kin? Where is Thumb-kin? (Place hands behind back)
Where is thumb-kin? Where is Thumb-kin? (Place hands behind back)
Here I am, here I am. (Show one thumb, then other)
How are you this morning (Bend one thumb)
Ver-y well, I thank you. (Bend other thumb)
Run and play, run and play. (Wiggle thumbs away)
1. Where is Pointer (2nd finger)
2. Where is Tall One (middle finger)
3. Where is Ring Finger (fourth finger)
4. Where is Pinky (fifth finger)
5. Where is The Whole Family (whole hand)
Slippery fish, slippery fish
Sliding through the water
Slippery fish, slippery fish
Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh. no! It’s been eaten by . . .
Octopus, Octopus
Squiggling in the water
Octopus, octopus
Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh. No! It’s been eaten by a . . .
Tuna fish, tuna fish
Flashing through the water
Tuna fish, tuna fish
Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh. No! It’s been eaten by a . . .
Great White Shark, great white shark
Lurking in the water
Great white shark, great white shark
Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh. No! It’s been eaten by a . . .
Humungous Whale, humungous whale
Spouting in the water
Humungous whale, humungous whale
Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
BURP! Pardon Me! I ate too many fishes
Little Blackbirds
(Tune: Baa Baa Black Sheep)
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill (Place hands on shoulders)
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill (Place hands on shoulders)
One named Jack and one named Jill (wave left for Jack and wave right for Jill)
Fly away Jack, fly away Jill (left hand flies behind back, then right hand flies behind back)
Come back Jack, come back Jill (Return left hand to shoulder, then right hand too)
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill
(Tune: Hickory Dickory Dock)
Cover your mouth when you cough, (Make a sneeze into your elbow)
Cover your mouth when you cough, (Make a sneeze into your elbow)
Cover your mouth when you sneeze
If you cough or if you sneeze --
Cover your mouth if you please!
Little Red Wagon
(Tune: 10 Little Indians)
Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon, (Bounce up and down on lap)
Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon, (Bounce up and down on lap)
Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon,
Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon,
Going for a ride.
Wheel fell off and the axle’s draggin, (Tip from side to side)
Wheel fell off and the axle’s draggin
Wheel fell off and the axle’s dragging,
Going for a ride.
Hammer that wheel back on the wagon, (Use hand as imaginary hammer)
Hammer that wheel back on the wagon, (Use hand as imaginary hammer)
Hammer that wheel back on the wagon,
Hammer that wheel back on the wagon,
Going for a ride.
Hurry, Hurry
(Tune: 1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little)
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck (Driving motions)
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck (Driving motions)
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck
Hurry, hurry drive the fire truck
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding (Wave on finger like a bell)
Hurry, hurry climb the ladder (3x) (Climbing motions)
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding (Wave on finger like a bell)
Hurry, hurry, squirt the water (3x) (Squarting motions)
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding (Wave on finger like a bell)
The Turkey
(Tune: Pop Goes the Weasel)
The turkey is a funny bird
His head goes wobble, wobble
and all he says is just one word
Gobble, gobble, goggle.
- good for Thanksgiving
- good for Thanksgiving
Your Senses
(Tune: Frere Jaques)
This song gets children understanding the ways they can sense the world, and helps them be aware of and use each sense in the setting they are in.
What do you _____ with, what do you _____ with? (Teacher points to body part)
What do you _____ with, what do you _____ with? (Teacher points to body part)
Tell me now, tell me now. (child says the body part)
These are what you ____ with, these are what you ____ with.
These are your ( )!
What do you see? What do you see?
Tell us now. Tell us now.
(Child name) sees (have child fill in the blank). (Child name) sees (have child fill in the blank).
I see it too. I see it too.
1. What do you see with? (eyes)
1. What do you see with? (eyes)
2. What do you smell with? (nose)
3. What do you taste with? (mouth)
4. What do you hear with? (Ears)
5. What do you feel with (skin....including fingers)
5 in the Bed
"There were 5 in the bed and the little one said "roll over! roll over!"
So they all rolled over and one fell out!" ...
(continue counting down)
(continue counting down)
Spring & You Know It
(Tune: If You're Happy and You Know it)
If it's spring and you know it, dig a hole
If it's spring and you know it, dig a hole
If it's spring and you know it, dig a hole
If it's spring and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If it's spring and you know it dig a hole
If it's spring and you know it plant a seed
If it's spring and you know it plant a seed
If it's spring and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If it's spring and you know it plant a seed
If it's spring and you know it water your seed
If it's spring and you know it water your seed
If it's spring and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If it's spring and you know it water your seed
If it's spring and you know it, see the sun shine
If it's spring and you know it, see the sun shine
If it's spring and you know it,
And you really want to show it
If it's spring and you know it, see the sun shine
If it's spring and you know it watch it grow
If it's spring and you know it watch it grow
If it's spring and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If it's spring and you know it watch it flower grow
If it's spring and you know it do them all
If it's spring and you know it do them all
If it's spring and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If it's spring and you know it do them all
5 Speckled Frogs
Five little speckled frogs (Hold up and bop five fingers)
Sat on a speckled log
eating a most delicious bug (Pick off and eat bug)
Yum, yum, yum (Rub tummy)
One jumped into the pool (One finger motions hopping into pool)
where it was nice and cool,
Then there were four green speckled frogs (Hold up four fingers)
Glub, Glub, Glub
Sing down to 0 frogs - last line then is:
Glub, Glub, Glub - G - L - U - B (deep voice)
(Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
There's a time called spring
When the snow melts away.
Lot’s of rain come falling down
And the sun starts warming the day.
There's a time called summer,
And it keeps me very warm.
The birds in the sky go passing by,
And I swim all day long.
There's a time called fall,
It at the summer’s end.
The air starts to cool and the leaves turn brown,
Winter’s ‘round the bend.
There’s a time called winter,
When it's really cold outside
I wear my hat, Give my hands a pat,
Then put on my skates and glide
The Bird's Apples
(Tune: 5 Little Ducks)
5 red apples on a tree (hold up fingers)
Looked as juicy as could be (wiggle fingers)
A bird swooped in to get some lunch (move other hand in swooping motion)
It one apple with a crunch, crunch, crunch! (open and close hand over one finger)
5 red apples on a tree (hold up fingers)
Looked as juicy as could be (wiggle fingers)
A bird swooped in to get some lunch (move other hand in swooping motion)
It one apple with a crunch, crunch, crunch! (open and close hand over one finger)
...end with "now there are no apples for our lunch."
Nature Time
This will be a comprehensive list of nature and outdoor ideas
The Apple Tree
(Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Way up high in the apple tree (Stretch arms high)
Way up high in the apple tree (Stretch arms high)
Two big apples looked down at me (Circle eyes with fingers)
I shook that tree just as hard as I could (Make vigorous shaking movments)
Down came the apples (Let fingers float downward)
Mm-mm-mm! They were good! (Rub tummy)
Climbing Up a Tree
(Tune: Farmer in the Dell)
I'm climbing up a tree,
To see what I can see.
I think I see a squirrel
eating nuts that are yummy.
I'm climbing up a tree,
To see what I can see.
Next, I pass a little bird
whistling a song for me.
I'm climbing up a tree,
To see what I can see.
Then I hear my mommy,
calling up to me...
"Come home!"
Now I'm climbing down the tree,
going home to my family.
I see the bird again,
And she says goodbye to me.
I'm climbing down the tree,
going home to my family.
Then I see the squirrel
waving back at me.
I'm done climbing the tree,
I'm home with my family.
I had so much fun climbing
I'm as Happy as can be.
- feel free to change the animals
I'm climbing up a tree,
To see what I can see.
I think I see a squirrel
eating nuts that are yummy.
I'm climbing up a tree,
To see what I can see.
Next, I pass a little bird
whistling a song for me.
I'm climbing up a tree,
To see what I can see.
Then I hear my mommy,
calling up to me...
"Come home!"
Now I'm climbing down the tree,
going home to my family.
I see the bird again,
And she says goodbye to me.
I'm climbing down the tree,
going home to my family.
Then I see the squirrel
waving back at me.
I'm done climbing the tree,
I'm home with my family.
I had so much fun climbing
I'm as Happy as can be.
- feel free to change the animals
The Bird & the Tree
(Tune: Farmer in the Dell)
Climbing up the big old tree, (climb in place)
Climbing up the big old tree, (climb in place)
Swinging on a limb! (Raise arms above head, sway left and right)
If I hear a robin, I may (cup hand near ear)
Sing along with him! (sing tra la la)
"And if he flies away, (Put hands over eyes)
Here's what I think I'll do: (Point with index finger)
I'll wish a pair of sparrow wings (gently flap arms at side and
move around)
And fly away with you!"
(Tune: I’m a Little Teapot)
I'm a little caterpillar crawling by,
I make a cocoon and I go to hide.
I rest for a while and I sleep inside,
When I come out I'm a butterfly!
1 little, 2 little, 3 little ____________
(Tune: Little Indians)
1 little, 2 little, 3 little _________
1 little, 2 little, 3 little _________
4 little, 5 little, 6 little _________
7 little, 8 little, 9 little _________
10 little ___________
10 little, 9 little, 8 little _________
7 little, 6 little, 5 little _________
4 little, 3 little, 2 little _________
1 little ______________
One Little Bear
(counting--no tune needed)
One Little bear, wondering what to do
Along came another. Then there were two.
Two little bears climbing up a tree,
Along came another. Then there were three.
Three little bears, eating an apple core.
Along came another. Then there were four.
Four little bears eating honey from a hive.
Along came another. Then there were five.
Sitting on a Gate
(Tune: 5 Little Monkeys)
5 little _________ sitting on a gate
5 little _________ sitting on a gate
The first one says, "Oh my, it's getting late!"
The second one says, "There's a chill in the air!"
The third one says, "But we don't care!"
The fourth one says, "Let's run and run and run!"
The fifth one says, "I'm ready for some fun!"
Then, WHOOSH! went the wind. And out went the light.
And the five little ___________ rolled out of sight.
- pumpkins for Halloween
- fruit for harvest time (apples, peaches, plums, cherries, pears, etc.)
- veggies for garden (squash, peas, etc.)
- watermelons for July 4th/Independence Day
- pumpkins for Halloween
- fruit for harvest time (apples, peaches, plums, cherries, pears, etc.)
- veggies for garden (squash, peas, etc.)
- watermelons for July 4th/Independence Day
A Camping We Will Go
(Tune: Farmer in the Dell)
A camping we will go. (march in place)
A camping we will go. (march in place)
A camping we will go.
Hi ho the dairy-o,
A camping we will go.
We'll pitch the tent right here. (put hands together with fingers touching, like a triangle tent)
We'll pitch the tent right here.
Hi ho the dairy-o,
We'll pitch the tent right here.
We'll crawl into the tent. (pretend to crawl inside)
We'll crawl into the tent.
Hi ho the dairy-o,
We'll crawl into the tent.
We'll sleep under the stars. (pretend to sleep, with hands together like a pillow for your head)
We'll sleep under the stars.
Hi ho the dairy-o,
We'll sleep under the stars.
We're having lots of fun. (march again in place with large smiles)
We're having lots of fun.
Hi ho the dairy-o,
We're having lots of fun.
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